Digitalization can be so easy
Digital transformation in industry is opening up new business opportunities. We have a range of solutions to help our customers get the maximum possible benefit. Our new video series shows how you can expand your lead in the market with the aid of our products and services. Why not check them out now – and learn more about our smart drive technology and digital services?
01 | Innovation Exhibit
A delta robot demonstrates what is already possible today.
Do you long for more transparency in your production process? No problem! For example, our innovation exhibit shows how you can receive live data constantly while the system is in operation using a sensorized DP+ gearbox. You can also find out how to digitalize your existing drive trains really easily.
Customized solutions for your robot concept

For more than 10 years, we’ve been developing and manufacturing WITTENSTEIN gearbox and actuator solutions for delta robots. Our unique engineering experience lays the foundation for refined drive designs as well as a high-performance product portfolio for highly dynamic movement profiles.
Our cyber® power motors combine an outstanding power-to-weight ratio with optimal efficiency

cyber® power motors are high-performance servo motors which are characterized by an outstanding power-to-weight ratio and optimal efficiency.
When throughput matters most, the ability of servo motors to accelerate faster is often the limiting factor. Our cyber® power motors can be designed with an ultra-low rotor inertia, which allows for much faster acceleration rates than traditional servo motors. The position, speed and temperature of the motors can be detected at any time in combination with a multiturn absolute encoder and a temperature sensor.
cynapse® is among the TOP 10 for the Industrie 4.0 Innovation Award 2020
Our smart gearbox with the “cynapse” feature – in other words with integrated sensors that enable Industry 4.0 connectivity – has been nominated for the Industrie 4.0 Innovation Award 2020. The jury have already selected what they consider to be the top ten Industry 4.0 innovations, and our cynapse® gearbox is among them. In addition to a distinguished panel of experts, the winner will also be determined by a public online vote. The polls are already open and anyone can take part!
02 | cynapse®
A sensor module makes gearboxes smart.
Our gearboxes with cynapse® notify you immediately, for example if individual temperature or acceleration values are exceeded. Yet cynapse® has far more than that to offer. Get smart and check it out now!
cynapse® makes Industry 4.0 connectivity easy

Mechatronic drive systems that can collect and communicate information independently are fundamental to the IIoT. WITTENSTEIN alpha is the first component manufacturer to offer smart gearboxes as standard – gearboxes with cynapse®. The integrated sensor module enables Industry 4.0 connectivity.
Our XP+ premium gearboxes make machines more precise, more compact and more productive

Our XP+ premium gearboxes are the solution of choice whenever the highest levels of positioning accuracy and dynamics are essential along with a space-saving design. With its special output geometry, the XP+ guarantees maximum power density and precision far exceeding industry standards. In combination with cynapse®, process quality can be monitored very easily.
cynapse’s multiple benefits convince our customers

Our customer SCHMALZ is already using our smart sensor modules to expand their products’ connectivity. The complete system now supplies data on temperature, acceleration, etc. to an IIoT gateway.
Our company brochures contains information on this and many other aspects of the WITTENSTEIN Group’s activities.
03 | Smart Services
Our whitepaper provides answers for getting started with digitalization

Our smart drive systems and digital services help you integrate your machines and plants successfully into the digital world. You can learn which components are suited for this purpose and what the integration into the IIoT could look like in practice in our whitepaper.
We are driving digitalization forward

Our Digitalization Center has a vision: a virtual network of the complete value chain – from suppliers through the companies of the WITTENSTEIN group to our customers. Four agile strategy fields have been defined by the DC for this purpose.
04 | Service Portal
One gate. All support.
Is there such a thing as a portal where you get support for your drives throughout the entire life cycle? Yes there is! Our WITTENSTEIN Service Portal helps you get ahead whenever there’s a problem: with assembly, inspections or replacement products. And we can do a lot more than that for you, of course.
Ask for more information
Product information or after-sales services especially for your drive in a matter of seconds

The WITTENSTEIN Service Portal supports you throughout your drive’s life cycle – from installation through commissioning to drive inspections and replacements.
We provide made-to-measure services along the value chain

We set new standards with the WITTENSTEIN service concept. We're there to help – from the initial idea throughout the life cycle of your application.
Our touchpoint for Industry 4.0.

The WITTENSTEIN Service Portal builds bridges to Industry 4.0. By choosing our smart gearboxes with cynapse®, you can display smart services like temperature or vibration checks directly or request newly available services.
“Digital twin” – an award-winning achievement
The annual “Microsoft Intelligent Manufacturing Award”, jointly organized by Microsoft and management consultants Roland Berger, honors innovative ideas and creative approaches that are driving the transformation to Industry 4.0. Although a very large number of applications were submitted in 2021, WITTENSTEIN was announced as the winner in the “Scale!” category with the implementation of our standardized digital twin, the Asset Administration Shell.