WITTENSTEIN AG: New line-up for the Supervisory Board
Both Dr. Biehal and his deputy, Professor Wilfried Sihn, were elected to office unanimously. The Supervisory Board's other members are Professor Ronald Gleich and Dr. Stefan Reineck as well as Karin Markert and Jürgen Guckenberger as employee representatives.
- Dr. Manfred Biehal, Chairman of the WITTENSTEIN group Supervisory Board: Economist and member of the FEA Financial Experts Association, Hamburg
- Professor Wilfried Sihn: Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board; Professor of Industrial Engineering and System Planning at the Vienna University of Technology and Head of the Fraunhofer IPA Project Group for Production Management and Logistics in Viennan
- Professor Ronald Gleich: Professor at the EBS University of Business and Law; Executive Director of the Strascheg Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIIE), EBS Business School; Managing Director of EBS Executive Education GmbH
- Dr. Stefan Reineck: Physicist and Managing Director of RMC Dr. Reineck Management & Consulting GmbH; various positions on the Advisory and Supervisory Boards of listed and non-listed companies; management of own investments, mainly in start-up enterprises; Chairman of Venture Forum Neckar
- Karin Markert: Head of Training & Youth Advancement, employee representative of the WITTENSTEIN
- Group Jürgen Guckenberger: Expert for "Sizing of Mechatronic Drive Systems"; employee representative of the WITTENSTEIN group