
WITTENSTEIN AG: Dr. Manfred Wittenstein steps down from the Management Board and joins the Supervisory Board

The WITTENSTEIN AG Supervisory Board has just appointed a new Chairman: Dr. Manfred Wittenstein stepped down from the Group's Management Board as planned on March 31, 2014 and was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board at a meeting of its members on April 2.

Dr. Manfred Biehal, until now Chairman of the Supervisory Board, was elected to the office of Deputy Chairman – likewise unanimously – on the same day. Professor Wilfried Sihn, his predecessor in this position, withdrew from the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board's remaining members in the otherwise unchanged line-up are Professor Ronald Gleich and Dr. Stefan Reineck as well as Karin Markert and Jürgen Guckenberger as employee representatives.

Dr. Wittenstein, aged 71, handed over the presidency to Professor Dieter Spath last October. During the months that followed he endeavoured to help and support the candidate he had explicitly favoured as his successor in his role as member of the Management Board. Dr. Wittenstein: "I remain passionately committed in my responsibility in this new function".

  • Dr. Manfred Wittenstein, Chairman of the WITTENSTEIN AG Supervisory Board and proprietor of the family-owned group of companies; stepped down from the Management Board on March 31, 2014
  • Dr. Manfred Biehal, Deputy Chairman of the WITTENSTEIN AG Supervisory Board: Economist and member of the FEA Financial Experts Association, Hamburg Professor
  • Ronald Gleich: Director of the Horváth Academy and Professor at the EBS University of Business and LawDr. Stefan Reineck: Physicist and Managing Director of RMC Dr. Reineck Management & Consulting GmbH; various positions on the Advisory and Supervisory Boards of listed and non-listed companies; management of own investments, mainly in start-up enterprises; Chairman of Venture Forum Neckar
  • Karin Markert: Head of HR Business Partners, employee representative of WITTENSTEIN AG
  • Jürgen Guckenberger: Expert for "Sizing of Mechatronic Drive Systems"; employee representative of WITTENSTEIN AG


The WITTENSTEIN AG Supervisory Board and Management Board (from right to left): Dr. Manfred Wittenstein (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Dr. Stefan Reineck, Dr. Manfred Biehal (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Karin Markert, Karl-Heinz Schwarz (Spokesman of the Management Board), Professor Dieter Spath (President), Professor Ronald Gleich and Jürgen Guckenberger